
Town of Parker map

The Town of Parker business climate is ripe for development. The 15th Arizona County, being created in 1983, has just the right location and acreage for your business needs available at a reasonable land cost. The Arizona and California Railroad has an industrial Park with land available for purchase in heavy industrial, light industrial and commercial categories. Interstate 10, State Routes 95 and 72 and the Arizona and California Railroad Co. Transverse La Paz County making shipment of goods to and from Parker easily accessible. California Routes 62 and 95 are close by with Interstate 40 approximately 65 miles to the North.

The Town of Parker, our banks, real estate firms, the Chamber of Commerce and La Paz County will be pleased to work with you to find exactly what you are looking for. The Town of Parker has annexed land at the intersection of State Highways 95 and 72 that is available for commercial, industrial and manufacturing plus recreational and residential developments.

Arizona Western College

The climate is excellent for agriculture products with good soil, water and sunshine. Our average year-round temperatures are conducive to both indoor and outdoor work.  There is an available work force of skilled, semi-skilled, and unskilled labor and Arizona is a “right to work state” with more tax advantages than most other states. We are an alternate NAFTA corridor and can offer training programs through Arizona Western College (a satellite campus of Northern Arizona University) and the Career Center.

Frontier Communications

Utilities are provided by Arizona Public Service, Town of Parker Water Dept., Southwest Gas, Verizon Telephone, Suddenlink Cable and several propane dealers. The water company is an enterprise of the Town of Parker. Sanitation is provided by the Joint Venture Sewer System except in Parker Annex where septic systems are permitted.  Eventually the Town of Parker will build a “state of the art” sewer disposal plant in the Parker Annex. 

The Town of Parker’s Economic Development Department is available to assist you with selection and development planning.  Before you make a decision to relocate, see what our fast-growing area in Western Arizona has to offer. 

You’ll be glad you did.